What is VotesforSchools?
VotesforSchools provides weekly resources for teachers to support discussion on a challenging topical issue and the opportunity for children to vote and comment on a key question. We then make the data and comments public, hugely raising the profile of Student Voice. We also get influential people and organisations to respond to the children so that they know they have been heard.
Sample questions have been: Does the modern world make it harder for diseases to spread? Do young people know the signs of an abusive relationship? Should all toilets be gender neutral? Is being a bystander still bullying? Can sharing stories prevent extremism? Would you like to be a politician?
We have worked in partnership with organisations such as UNICEF UK, The Counter Terrorism Police, the Place2B, Anti-bullying Alliance, Children's Bureau, Youth Justice Board, Metropolitan police, The Times and Sunday Times, Sky news, government departments etc.
Educational Impact
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VotesforSchools Reviews
from 9 Verified Reviews
User rating
Jared Thres
Assistant principal
Used VotesforSchools weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
Easily - comprehensive package with 3 different versions that can be adapted based on each individual school, easy communication and weekly updates as well as a 2 way process with ideas being welcomed for future topics.
Jared Thres found VotesforSchools:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“All pre-designed with a range of time frames - allowing tutors to pre-view but not design from scratch - a great time saver”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“The discussion elements spark conversation and debate and the voting allows for all students to have a voice”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Due to lack of planning and ease of delivery”
- Significantly improves school processes“Allows consistent delivery and as the lead I have a clear overview and can include within my PSHE delivery mechanism”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Discussion and debate on current issues”

Feb 2022
I've implemented it in two schools (one secondary and one primary) and think it is brilliant, engaging, informative for children of any age. It would be the first implementation in a new school where I to change roles again.
Dominic Mulholland found VotesforSchools:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Planning for topical pshe/citizenship discussions prevents us all having to do our own. Full detailed prep and resources eases pressure on staff to provide engaging material from scratch.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Inspired by Votes for Schools themes, group of 10yo girls hosted assemblies and undertook fundraising in aftermath of Australian bushfire devastation.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Confidence in quality resource reduces stress for all who use/deliver the sessions.”
- Moderately improves school processes“Higher profile for student voice resulting in increased home/school communication and collaboration”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“More than knowledge it builds the skills of reasoned debate, considering the facts and having informed opinions on significant issues (from age 7 on our case).”

Letitia Powell
Vice Principal
Used VotesforSchools weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
It is a brilliant resource to develop student's knowledge of the world around them, and they are able to apply this to their lives and subjects. They learn how to debate and courteously challenge opposing views, whilst listening carefully to others. They learn how to vote so that they are heard. Our pupils have a voice and are passionate about VFS.
Letitia Powell found VotesforSchools:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Powerpoints are already prepared, assembly slides are prepared, voting is instant so no follow up work, lessons have lesson plans prepared, home sheets created for parents/carers already”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“lots of group work, debates, discussions, students present assembly slides”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“reduces workload”
- Significantly improves school processes“consistent approach”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“students apply their knowledge to other subjects, wider knowledge of the world has significantly increased, links within the wider world and subjects studied happen more regularly and naturally”

Feb 2022
Susie found VotesforSchools:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing
- Significantly improves school processes
- Significantly builds student knowledge“We sponsor a local school by subscribing to votes for schools for them and they often feed back how great it is that they get to speak to students about current and relative topics.”

PSHE, Citizenship, and Careers Lead/Teacher
Used VotesforSchools weekly for 7–12 months
Feb 2022
I think it is a brilliant way to engage students in the world around them.
Jessica found VotesforSchools:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“It reduces time taken to create meaningful PSHE focused tutor time resources.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Meaningful discussions about topics that wouldn’t normally be brought up.”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“I think it positively impacts my wellbeing, but maybe not the whole staff.”
- Slightly improves school processes“None”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Our demographic of students is unlikely to be aware of the topics covered by votes for schools.”

Feb 2022
The kids LOVE it!
Amy found VotesforSchools:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No planning needed for sessions, anyone can deliver”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Lessons encourage pupils to discuss, provides questions that turn into debates”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“It's a really nice way to sit and enjoy your class, sharing opinions and talking”
- Significantly improves school processes
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Knowledge of politics, everyday world and happenings, often links to curriculum”

Sep 2019
It is high quality, engaging and allows for students to actively participate in live debates
Jen found Votes for schools:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“it provides ready made resources for tutor times”

Sep 2019
so user-friendly, current topics which are relevant to the pupils we teach, easy to engage and a wide array of chosen topics so they appeal to every style of teacher & interests of the pupils we teach
Helen Keevil found Votes for schools:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“working in teams during lessons to debate against each other & certain titles have started to be used at a school level in debating society”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“perfect for a busy member of SLT as well as for an NQT, safe to print out the morning of the lesson a quick glance through the powerpoint & lesson plan & bingo”

Sep 2019
I think the lessons are fantastic. Topical and interesting bringing together all of the students.
Jo Ware found Votes for schools:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Oracy lessons every week”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It doesn't take long to tailor the lessons”