What is This is School?
Dive into the exciting world of This is School; the only platform you need to teach the students you love.
Formerly known as thisislanguage.com, This is School features over 12,500 videos and is used by over 1,500 schools worldwide to facilitate and promote critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity in the classroom and helping you to create and nurture 21st century global citizens
This is School makes academic excellence a no-brainer with its award winning resources that bring learning to life thanks to unscripted videos of young people speaking naturally about your subjects. Supported by complementary resources and assessment tools, This is School motivates and engages every level of learner. You can focus on teaching rather than paperwork, and save an average of 12 hours per week thanks to automatic marking and assignments that work for in-class teaching, homework and self-initiated learning.
This is School is available to use with Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish, German); Italian; Mandarin; Geography; and Science.
This is School.
This is where lessons get life.
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This is School Reviews
from 4 Verified Reviews
User rating
Jul 2024
The resource is very good, I would like to see practice exam style questions for listening, reading, speaking and writing to enhance its use for teachers and pupils. Good value for money.
Tom Fellows found This is School:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Self-marked vocabular, grammar and listening exercises, useful for setting homework tasks and collecting marks, useful for setting cover work.”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap“Pupils have found it helpful for learning vocabulary and grammar. The listening exercises stretch their skill in this area and give them positive exposure to authentic German.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Tracking homework task completion, ready to useful classroom resources.”
- Slightly improves attainment“Good listening, vocabulary and grammar practice.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Very good authentic native speaking listening exercises, good grammar and vocabulary learning resources.”

Feb 2024
It's a great resource but I think not all schools would be able to afford it because it is quite pricey.
Cbeyers found This is School:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“I don't have to look for listening files that are of the appropriate level for my students and questions that go with it.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“I can select different videos of different levels on the same topic for students of different abilities.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“It saves on preparation time and you can see how students are doing very easily, so you can adapt your classes as well.”
- Moderately improves attainment“Especially students' listening skills improve if they practice on a regular basis.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students can also watch the grammar videos if they haven't understood something and go back whenever they need to.”

Teacher of German
Used This is School weekly for 1-2 years
Feb 2024
It is useful. Includes many listening resources. Includes lots of grammar videos!
hannah found This is School:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“I can give the activity to my pupils and they can spend the whole lesson working on vocabulary, listening or grammar.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Similar answer to above!”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“It gives you an easy homework task to set!”
- Slightly improves attainment“I am unsure yet as I have not used it long enough, however the pupils who used it have had better listening test results than those who haven't.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Lots of brilliant resources.”

John Robertson
Head of MFL Department
Used This is School daily for 5 years+
Feb 2024
It's a very useful website to have access to. The only thing I have ever found difficult about it is the cost.
John Robertson found This is School:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“The marking and monitoring of student progress is made very much easier, the same is true of creating worksheets to go with video content.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“This depends on what teaching efficiency is taken to mean, but I think exposing students to multiple native speakers is a great thing to be able to do in a classroom.”
- Does not significantly improve teacher wellbeing“I think teachers will certainly enjoy using the site, but that their wellbeing is typically dependent on other aspects of the job.”
- Moderately improves attainment“Listening and reading skills are most improved along with vocabulary learning.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“As above really - vocabulary knowledge is increased as well as knowledge about different accents of native speakers”