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Curriculum Maestro

Curriculum Maestro


Curriculum Maestro

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What is Curriculum Maestro?

Curriculum Maestro is a game-changing online platform that helps you to implement and manage your primary curriculum all from one place. It includes a fully sequenced curriculum, projects, resources, teaching and assessment tools.

Curriculum Maestro is aligned with the new Ofsted framework and is easy to implement, saving you and your staff hours of valuable time.

It's the most comprehensive primary curriculum platform available, helping you to design, deliver and manage your curriculum with ease.

Whole-school curriculum

Access the much-loved Cornerstones Curriculum spanning Nursery to Year 6, plus White Rose maths schemes. Content is rich in knowledge and skills, carefully sequenced and adaptable.

Curriculum tools

Maestro makes it easier to implement, monitor and articulate your curriculum. You can see how subjects are covered and sequenced across year groups even at a granular level.

Subject leadership tools

Lead your subject and support colleagues using Maestro’s simple tools and reports. You’ll be able to view and monitor children’s subject coverage and progression in real time.

Planning, teaching and assessment

Everything is connected so that teachers can seamlessly plan, teach and assess across the curriculum. Maestro’s tools and editable content will transform your day-to-day teaching.

High-quality lesson resources

Bring your best curriculum to life with our engaging videos, presentations, knowledge organisers, quizzes and more. Designed by primary experts and loved by children.

Dedicated support

Access free, ongoing guidance and support from our team of curriculum and subject experts. Online video tutorials are available to help you get the best out of Curriculum Maestro.

Recommended Usage

We recommend daily usage of 30+ minutes as Maestro is integral to teaching learning and assessment.

Educational Impact

reduce teacher workload
build student knowledge
improve teaching efficiency
improve attainment
provide school data

Additional evidence

Jan 2021

Bringing a ‘heads, hands and hearts’ curriculum to life at All Saints C of E Primary School

May 2020

Queen Emma’s Primary School – Making the most of Curriculum Maestro

Dec 2020

Pembroke Primary: how we’re developing our Curriculum for Wales with Maestro

Sep 2021

Implementing our outstanding early years curriculum using Cornerstones

Mar 2023

Implementing a vocabulary-rich curriculum at a new bilingual school

Jan 2023

Teaching that meets every child's needs

CompanyBusiness Name: Cornerstones Education
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2010
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13
FeaturesCurriculumPrimary CurriculumAssessmentCurriculum DesignResourcesCurriculum Sequencing
AccessibilityRobust features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

Operating system: Windows 7+ Mac OS 10.12+ iOS 10+ (limited functionality on smaller screens) Android 7.0+ (limited functionality on smaller screens) Browsers: Chrome 36+ Edge 15+ Mozilla Firefox 60+ Safari 11+ (MacOS only) iOS Safari Android browser

Set Up

Once you've purchased and sent back your signed terms and conditions, we can usually start the onboarding process the same day.

TrainingLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos

We have a complete help centre available with Curriculum Maestro giving users (NQT to SLT) 100% satisfaction, including video tutorials, step-by-step guides, handy tips, advice, guidance, and much more.

SupportFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support
Home Learning

School must create the account.

While the Curriculum Maestro is not available to parents, all projects from the Cornerstones Curriculum come with parent information and home learning for the school to share.

TagsCurriculum sequencingCurriculum designAssessmentManagementTime savingOfsted requirements metDesignProjectsattainment gapssupport

Curriculum Maestro Pricing

Pricing Plans

Paid Subscription

Curriculum Maestro pricing starts from £500 / year

Annual licence to Maestro costs between £500 and £2,750 depending on the size of the school.

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Curriculum Maestro Reviews

4.4 out of 5

from 17 Verified Reviews

Curriculum Maestro has collected 1 review in the past 6 months

User rating



Jan 2025

Ellie Gosling found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
  • Moderately improves attainment
  • Moderately provides school data
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Curriculum Maestro
Maya tafsir


Denewood Academy, England

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 7–12 months

Feb 2024

It is an amazing platform

Maya tafsir found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It has helped with planning and searching resources.
  • Does not provide school data
    I'm not aware of this.
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    It takes a huge load off the class teachers work.
  • Slightly improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    some resources are good
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Curriculum Maestro
Louise Burridge


Used Curriculum Maestro weekly for 7–12 months

Nov 2022

Up to date, easily accessible and challenging for all

Louise Burridge found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Reduction in planning and assessment workload
  • Moderately provides school data
    Just starting to assess foundation subjects
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Resources readily available
  • Slightly improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Supports a knowledge rich curriculum
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Curriculum Maestro
Cherida Gibson

Nurture Coordinator

Wilds Lodge School, England

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 4-6 months

Feb 2022

It's a fantastic system that helps planning, tracking and assessment. It's just a very difficult system to use and can be complicated to find the areas that you need. It would be great if the system was easier to use and simpler to navigate.

Cherida Gibson found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Planning and tracking data
  • Significantly provides school data
    we can clearly track progress across all ages/stages
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Clear lesson plans, resources and next steps
  • Significantly improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Curriculum Maestro
Maz Whittaker

Class teacher, KS2 Leader, English Lead, SLT

Worple Primary School, England

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 4-6 months

Jan 2022

Lots of great resources. We particularly love the art and DT lessons- they show clear progress and building of skills within each unit. The RE units have really useful info and avoid teachers having to do extensive research. We still have some trouble navigating the system- the website is very 'busy'. Some history and geog units are very reading heavy so we extract the texts and use those for whole class reading lessons. Would appreciate some more creative activity ideas for humanities subjects- seems to be a lot of read/research and fill in the sheet.

Maz Whittaker found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    We no longer have to spend ages sourcing good quality resources such as texts and videos
  • Slightly provides school data
    haven't used this function yet
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    THe sequence of lessons is clear so there's less 'faffing'
  • Slightly improves attainment
    Don't know yet
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Knowledge organisers are great. The key information they need to know for each topic is very clear.
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Curriculum Maestro
Conrad FOX


Hunmanby Primary School, England

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 1-2 years

Dec 2021

We are in a much better place with CM than with our old curriculum. We will be making it more bespoke in the second year.

Conrad FOX found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    everything in one place. user friendly Maestro platform
  • Significantly provides school data
    Real time awareness of planning. formative assessment. summative judgements.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    easy access for subject leads
  • Slightly improves attainment
    still in initial embedding period, but very engaging topics will result in positive outcomes
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    systematic mapping out of key learning across subjects
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Curriculum Maestro
Lindsey Wain

Deputy Head Teacher

Hartburn Primary School, England

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 5 years+

Nov 2021

I have used Cornerstones from its first launch. The product has been refined over time as it is driven by feedback from schools and teachers delivering the content. The company is also responsive to a school's needs.

Lindsey Wain found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Populating the timetable with lessons and using the lessons directly. Resources are provided which saves research time. Curriculum is sequenced. We can check coverage and assessment in real time.
  • Significantly provides school data
    We can now assess our foundation subjects using the same familiar format
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    It sequences lessons, provides resources, shows previous and next steps, skills and knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The engaging topics have ensured purposeful writing as it allows the pupils to immerse themselves
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Use of Knowledge Organisers. Ability to link new learning with previous and explain where they are going next
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Curriculum Maestro
Charlotte Gibbins


Thurlstone Primary School, England

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 3-4 years

Nov 2021

Maestro is a real time saver, particularly for leadership teams and subject leaders. There is a wealth of information and resources which can be used and adapted by creative skills teachers. The way the curriculum is mapped is excellent and was commented on in a very recent Ofsted inspection.

Charlotte Gibbins found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Instant access to good quality resources
  • Slightly provides school data
    Curriculum coverage
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Clear progression of knowledge and skills ensures better outcomes.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Children know more and remember more
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Curriculum Maestro
Kathy Wharton

Head of Primary

Garden International School, Thailand

Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 3-4 years

Nov 2021

It increased initially as new protocols and systems were introduced. From experience I know it will reduce workload when embedded in practice.

Kathy Wharton found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
    It increased initially as new protocols and systems were introduced. From experience I know it will reduce workload when embedded in practice.
  • Slightly provides school data
    Not yet
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Understanding coverage and progression
  • Slightly improves attainment
    Not yet
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
    Not yet
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Curriculum Maestro


Used Curriculum Maestro daily for 1-2 years

Sep 2021

I have recommended and told many other schools and school staff about it. I would always though suggest that they need to ensure it is right for their school setting and the needs of their staff and pupils

Kathryn found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Preparing and finding resources for lessons
  • Slightly provides school data
    I believe it will do but as yet we haven't used it in that way
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Teachers have the plans and resources, they can group and stream and give different activities to groups and support staff and so they are more effective and efficient in what they are doing
  • Slightly improves attainment
    Awaiting to see but it is most likely as the engagement with the topic and their interest is high
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    It allows pupils to connect skills, knowledge and learning together and relate them to specific areas of the curriculum and objectives
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Curriculum Maestro
Justin Cowley

Deputy Headteacher

Used Curriculum Maestro for 1-2 years

May 2021

Maestro has allowed us to have confidence in the knowledge that we are covering the National Curriculum for all subjects, it is a great tool for subject leaders to analyse and progress their subjects and as school leaders you have a clear overview of planning, assessment, coverage and attainment at all times.

Justin Cowley found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The planning allows for a well organised, themed approach to a topic which gives the children a context around their learning allowing for deeper learning.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Teachers need only to focus on the actual individual lessons and how they are going to deliver it as everything else is done for them.
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Curriculum Maestro
Moira Cross

Executive Head

Used Curriculum Maestro for 10 months

Jan 2021

It has been a revelation. Staff are finding their way through it and if we have any questions, the support from Cornerstones is amazing. We always get answers to our questions. It is now our one-stop-shop for curriculum with linked up thinking and approach through an intuitive and user-friendly system.

Moira Cross found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Maestro helps staff to plan more effectively and teach age related expectations across all subjects. This is something we needed to develop and Maestro has supported this well.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It has helped us to streamline planning and the use of the ready prepared lessons has saved staff time. We simply make adaptations that reflect our locality and the children in each cohort. It has also saved staff time in thinking of the teaching sequence and finding the resources to plan it. We were worried it could strip away what makes teachers individual but it hasn't. Through careful selections and the ability to plan supplementary lessons with lesson builder where staff choose to, our own curriculum design is being supported not dictated.
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Curriculum Maestro
Emma Perkins

Deputy Headteacher

Used Curriculum Maestro for 6 weeks

Oct 2020

It is a one stop shop. It has the curriculum design, to the topics that cover the NC and more, to the individual lessons and resources, to the tools to assess children and for subject leaders to be able to monitor their subject confidently.

Emma Perkins found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The knowledge the children gain and remember is excellent with very clear knowledge organisers.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    No teachers are spending huge amounts of time searching for high quality resources as they are all at the click of a button.
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Curriculum Maestro
David Perkins


Used Curriculum Maestro for 2 years

Oct 2020

Allows confidence for curriculum coverage across the whole school

David Perkins found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Massive increase in pupil engagement
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Starting points for all coverage
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Curriculum Maestro
Cormac Murphy


Used Curriculum Maestro for 6 months

Oct 2020

We are very happy with Cornerstones Maestro, it has given us a structure around which we have built our curriculum, enabling learners across our school to succeed.

Cormac Murphy found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Allows us to identify and assess key knowledge that we want to ensure the children learn- this is often straight from their knowledge organisers. We then assess the children's learning using low stakes quizzes, which are provided or adapted from Cornerstones templates. This sharper focus has seen an increase in the proportion of children in a typical class recalling these identified pieces of knowledge.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The way the Maestro platform is organised, allows teachers to plan individual lessons and longer units of learning quickly, with easy access to the resources they need.
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Curriculum Maestro
Jennifer Hourihan

Deputy headteacher

Used Curriculum Maestro for 1 year

Oct 2020

Maestro ensures coverage and provides teachers with guidance to ensure challenge and support

Jennifer Hourihan found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Planning for progression in teaching of For inflation subjects
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Lesson ideas which teacher can adapt, resources provided including videos, PowerPoints and sheets
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Curriculum Maestro
Lindsey Wain

Assistant Head Teacher

Used Curriculum Maestro for From the very start of the pilot

Oct 2020

It is a very powerful tool for teachers, subject leaders and SLT, everything is in one place

Lindsey Wain found Curriculum Maestro:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Engagement of pupils through the ILPs
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Reduces the need for MTP, gap anaylsis, progression tools, assessment etc
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Curriculum Maestro Alternatives

Curriculum Maestro Categories
#4 in Music
#5 in RE
#8 in PSHE
#8 in History
#10 in PE
#18 in Computing
Last updated 21st February 2025
Curriculum Maestro
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